Broken Pedestals explores the fragmented history of key LGBTQ figures, starting with individuals from Berlin's vibrant queer community before World War II. This project examines how historical suppression and modern-day cancel culture have broken our connection to these pioneers, who laid the groundwork for LGBTQ rights as we know them today.
“Soon the day will come when science will win victory over error, justice a victory over injustice, and human love a victory over human hatred and ignorance.” - Magnus Hirschfeld
“Soon the day will come when science will win victory over error, justice a victory over injustice, and human love a victory over human hatred and ignorance.” - Magnus Hirschfeld
“A human being who was born a man, who was my husband, my friend, my comrade – has now become a woman, a complete woman. And this human being was never intended to be anything but a woman.” - Lili Elba
“A human being who was born a man, who was my husband, my friend, my comrade – has now become a woman, a complete woman. And this human being was never intended to be anything but a woman.” - Lili Elba

Magnus Hirschfeld 1868 - 1935

Li Shu Tong 1907 - 1993

Hansi Strum 1920's Drag Persona

Adolph Brand 1874 - 1945

Anna Rüling 1880 - 1953

Lili Elba 1882 - 1930

Der Eigene (The Unique)

The Rocky Twins • Leif and Paal Roschberg

Die Freundin (The Girlfriend)
Artist Statement: In Broken Pedestals, I seek to bridge the past and present, connecting today’s LGBTQ+ community with the lives of those who paved our way. Unlike many cultural traditions, our community doesn’t share a unified heritage; instead, it’s built on generations of individuals who chose to live their truth, often at great personal risk. Through this project, I hope to honor these forgotten pioneers and reconnect with the courage, love, and resilience that shaped their lives.
Call to Action: Do you want to fund the expansion of this project to include other decades and cities? I have ideas surrounding the Stonewall Riots in New York City and the AIDS era in San Francisco. In order to create a body of work that can be used by the community, I need patron support to accomplish this series. If you are interested, please contact me.